Self-awareness and self-understanding is not something you're born with. It's a learned skill. I received late diagnoses of both ADHD and ASD, and had to learn who I was all over again; through numerous life experiences, assessments and tools. There is an easier way. A shortcut, if you will.
It is my goal to help and support those with similar experiences. Providing neurodiverse individuals with confidence, understanding, and opportunities they may never have dreamed possible.
There's no reason for a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis to hold you back in life. You can learn to embrace your neurodivergent brain, and discover and harness the unique strengths you possess. Together we can discover your true, authentic, and fabulous self.
The Very Versatile Lemon is dedicated to supporting individuals with ADHD and autism in navigating their diagnosis with clarity, confidence, and self-compassion. Through fostering self-awareness, celebrating unique strengths, and actioning effective strategies, we are committed to empower individuals to thrive in all aspects of their lives.
An ADHD & ASD Coach is someone trained to help others to better manage their lives, specifically from a neurodiverse lens. For example, you may need help with motivating yourself to do tasks, help with chronic disorganisation or lateness, to start (or stop) habits and routines, or better yourself in other areas, such as socially, physically, financially etc. That is where I come in.
I can help you develop:
- self-motivation
- healthier self-esteem and relationships
- social skills and boundary setting
- clearer judgement
- planning and organisation skills
- time management skills
- self-efficacy, understanding and awareness
I am based in Melbourne, Australia, however, I offer coaching sessions to individuals all over the world. Currently, I specialise in adults, including parents, and adolescents. My coaching platform is both in-person and online. I offer home visits and in-person appointments at Melbourne Children's Clinic. For those not within the Metro Melbourne area, I offer telehealth appointments via Google Meet and Microsoft Teams.
If you are interested in having me as a coach, you can book in a free 30 minute discovery call. During this, I can find out more about your journey, strengths, and challenges, explain the coaching process in more depth, and answer any questions you may have.
I never had self-awareness or an understanding of myself. I stumbled through life, making the same mistakes over and over again, and living in a spiral of shame and self-doubt. I never knew about my diagnoses of both ADHD and Autism, and never felt safe or able enough to live authentically or recognise and express my needs.
In my 30's, whilst living on the other side of the world to where I began, I found myself in a place where I couldn't move forward. I was stuck and declining in my capacity and ability to live a happy life and take on the daily challenges I faced. I needed help and couldn't continue as I was. This is where my journey of self-discovery began, and my world began to change for the better.
That's when I started looking for solutions, instead of being caught in the problems. I am almost five years into my journey now, aquiring a podcast* and multiple diagnoses along the way, and I am still learning. Whilst the journey isn't always plain sailing, I have grown in self-confidence, self-understanding, and self-compassion, resulting in a more sustainable, enjoyable, and authentic life.
And it doesn't have to take years.
I had been a primary school teacher for 12 years across the United Kingdom and Melbourne, Australia, when I decided that a career change was needed. I desperately wanted to make a positive change in the lives of others who were similar to myself.
I began training with ADDCA (Attention Deficit Disorder Coaching Academy) at the start of 2023 to become a certified ADHD Coach and Life Coach, completing this in December 2023. Alongside this, I undertook further studies to gain expertise on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These experiences compliemented my lived experience with both diagnoses.
After taking the leap and changing careers, I now know what it feels like to love what I do. Being a former teacher has helped make this smooth transition to coaching all the more successful.
*Adult ADHD/ASD - My Journey of Self Discovery and Co-Occurring Diagnoses Podcast
Coach Katie from The Very Versatile Lemon now offers face to face and telehealth appointments every Wednesday, 9am - 5pm, and Thursday, 1pm - 5pm at Melbourne Children's Clinic, Surrey Hills. Both adults and adolescents can use this service.
Please contact the clinic on 03 9813 5700 to make an appointment.
I am absolutely hooked on cold water plunging and recently invested in my very own ice bath, which I try to do every day. I love it! From the shocking sensations of the cold, to the deep breathing and inner calm that takes over, nothing gets me quite ready for the day ahead like my ice bath!
I am cat obsessed! Big cats, little cats, wildcats, domestic cats... You name it. I have two little fur babies of my own and I am obsessed with them (The feeling is mutual!). I love nothing more than to snuggle with Toula and Nico. It is heaven!
When I feel overwhelmed or, on the flip side, completely relaxed, I love nothing more than to tend to my vast collection of indoor and outdoor plants! Sometimes I can lose hours of my day just staring at the new leaves coming through. It is my true mindfulness.